Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baptism Boxes

Living Faith Congregation has a tradition of gifting a "Baptism Box" to children who are baptised in our church.

Several gifts are placed in the box.

  • A soft toy lamb to reming us that "I am Jesus' little lamb" and "The Lord is my Shepherd"

  • A Bible story book

  • The monogrammed Baptism cloth used to dry the head after baptism

  • The Baptism Certificate

Production in my humble workshop

The crossed are made from old pieces of silky oak that were previously part of the furniture of the old Sandgate Church

Finished and ready to go to church

The baby's parents together with God parents present the child for baptism

The box is presented
Many members of the congregation make similar boxes. There are a lot of baptisms in our church!


  1. beautiful.............
    i love it!!
    great job

  2. They look awesome. There are some very lucky kids (and parents) getting a beautifully made box.
